Results for 'Eugene TenBroeck Mudge'

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  1. The social philosophy of John Taylor of Caroline.Eugene TenBroeck Mudge - 1939 - New York,: AMS Press.
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    Mendel's principles of heredity.Geo P. Mudge - 1909 - The Eugenics Review 1 (2):130.
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    The menace to the english race and to its traditions of present-day immigration and emigration.G. P. Mudge - 1920 - The Eugenics Review 11 (4):202.
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    Journal of genetics, vol. I., no. I, November, 1910.Geo P. Mudge - 1911 - The Eugenics Review 2 (4):328.
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  5. Experiencing and the creation of meaning: a philosophical and psychological approach to the subjective.Eugene T. Gendlin - 1962 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    In Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning, Eugene Gendlin examines the edge of awareness, where language emerges from nonlanguage.
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  6. No borders and no limits': Pope Francis on crossing frontiers and encountering Christ through the 'other.Peter Mudge - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (3):339.
    Mudge, Peter In one of his most significant addresses before he was elected pope, the then Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio stated in his 'Pastoral Letter for the Year of Faith': 'Among the most striking experiences of the last decades is finding doors closed'. This seminal letter fuses many of the themes that have appeared in Pope Francis's later writings and addresses, following his election as the 266th pope, on 13 March 2013.
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    Aristotle's Rhetoric: An Art of Character.Eugene Garver - 1994 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this major contribution to philosophy and rhetoric, Eugene Garver shows how Aristotle integrates logic and virtue in his great treatise, the _Rhetoric._ He raises and answers a central question: can there be a civic art of rhetoric, an art that forms the character of citizens? By demonstrating the importance of the _Rhetoric_ for understanding current philosophical problems of practical reason, virtue, and character, Garver has written the first work to treat the _Rhetoric_ as philosophy and to connect its (...)
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    Eugen Fink Gesamtausgabe.Eugen Fink - 2006 - Freiburg: K. Alber. Edited by Cathrin Nielsen, Hans Rainer Sepp & Franz-Anton Schwarz.
    Die schnell anwachsende Hinneigung zur Existentialanalytik, zur Lebensphilosophie und zur Ontologie am Anfang der 30er Jahre zwang Edmund Husserl dazu, die ursprungliche, als transzendentale ausgereifte Phanomenologie in methodischer und systematischer Hinsicht von diesen neuen Tendenzen scharf abzugrenzen. In den Jahren 1930 bis 1932 entwarf Eugen Fink im Auftrag seines Lehrers eine Reihe von Texten zur Phanomenologie, die grundlegende Bedeutung haben sollten fur ein Systematisches Werk der Phanomenologie bzw. als neue Meditations cartesiennes fur das deutsche Publikum gedacht waren. Diese Entwurfe Eugen (...)
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    William James on Consciousness Beyond the Margin.Eugene Taylor - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    At the turn of the twentieth century, William James was America's most widely read philosopher. In addition to being one of the founders of pragmatism, however, he was also a leading psychologist and author of the seminal work, The Principles of Psychology. While scholars argue that James withdrew from the study of psychology after 1890, Eugene Taylor demonstrates convincingly that James remained preeminently a psychologist until his death in 1910.Taylor details James's contributions to experimental psychopathology, psychical research, and the (...)
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  10. Eugene E. Ryan.Eugene Ryan - 2006 - Il Pensiero 26 (1):195-197.
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    Comment by Eugene Thomas Long.Eugene Thomas Long - 1970 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 1:50-54.
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    Is there a role for extraretinal factors in the maintenance of stability in a structured environment?Eugene Chekaluk - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):258-258.
    The calibration solution to the stability of the world despite eye movements depends, according to Bridgeman et al., upon a combination of three factors which presumably all need to operate to achieve the goal of stability. Although the authors admit (sect. 4.3, para. 5) that the relative contributions of retinal and extraretinal factors will depend on the particular viewing situation, Figure 5 (sect. 4.3) makes it clear in its representation that the role of perceptual factors is relatively minor compared to (...)
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  13. The Time in Thermal Time.Eugene Y. S. Chua - forthcoming - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie:1-24.
    Preparing general relativity for quantization in the Hamiltonian approach leads to the `problem of time,' rendering the world fundamentally timeless. One proposed solution is the `thermal time hypothesis,' which defines time in terms of states representing systems in thermal equilibrium. On this view, time is supposed to emerge thermodynamically even in a fundamentally timeless context. Here, I develop the worry that the thermal time hypothesis requires dynamics -- and hence time -- to get off the ground, thereby running into worries (...)
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    Optimizing α for better statistical decisions: A case study involving the pace‐of‐life syndrome hypothesis.Joseph F. Mudge, Faith M. Penny & Jeff E. Houlahan - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (12):1045-1049.
    Setting optimal significance levels that minimize Type I and Type II errors allows for more transparent and well‐considered statistical decision making compared to the traditional α = 0.05 significance level. We use the optimal α approach to re‐assess conclusions reached by three recently published tests of the pace‐of‐life syndrome hypothesis, which attempts to unify occurrences of different physiological, behavioral, and life history characteristics under one theory, over different scales of biological organization. While some of the conclusions reached using optimal α (...)
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  15. The Gift of Responsibility: The Promise of Dialogue among Christians, Jews, and Muslims.Lewis S. Mudge - 2008
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  16. The Sense of a People: Toward a Church for the Human Future.Lewis S. Mudge - 1992
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  17. Blame as Attention.Eugene Chislenko - forthcoming - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly.
    The wide variety of blame presents two difficult puzzles. Why are instances of blame categorized under so many different mental kinds, such as judgment, belief, emotion, action, intention, desire, and combinations of these? Why is “blame” used to describe both interpersonal reactions and mere causal attributions, such as blaming faulty brakes for a car crash? I introduce a new conception of blame, on which blame is attention to something as a source of badness. I argue that this view resolves both (...)
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    Drama.Eugene Garaventa - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (3):535-545.
    The concept of business ethics has continued to remain a major item on the agenda of corporate America for the last twenty years. Regrettably, this longevity of interest has not been matched by equal attention to the pedagogical methods and techniques used to address these issues. The current mode of teaching business ethics generally involves reliance on “war stories,” case studies, andseminars. Today’s dynamic environment creates pressures for higher levels of ethical behavior by business. Many ethical challenges faced by contemporary (...)
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    After life.Eugene Thacker - 2010 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Life and the living (on Aristotelian biohorror) -- Supernatural horror as the paradigm for life -- Aristotle's De anima and the problem of life -- The ontology of life -- The entelechy of the weird -- Superlative life -- Life with or without limits -- Life as time in Plotinus -- On the superlative -- Superlative life I: Pseudo-Dionysius -- Negative vs. affirmative theology -- Superlative negation -- Negation and preexistent life -- Excess, evil, and non-being -- Superlative life II: (...)
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    Blame and Protest.Eugene Chislenko - 2019 - The Journal of Ethics 23 (2):163-181.
    In recent years, philosophers have developed a novel conception of blame as a kind of moral protest. This Protest View of Blame faces doubts about its intelligibility: can we make sense of inner ‘protest’ in cases of unexpressed blame? It also faces doubts about its descriptive adequacy: does ‘protest’ capture what is distinctive in reactions of blame? I argue that the Protest View can successfully answer the first kind of doubt, but not the second. Cases of contemptful blame and unexpressed (...)
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    Focusing Und Philosophie: Eugene T. Gendlin Über Die Praxis Körperbezogenen Philosophierens.Eugene T. Gendlin - 2007 - Facultas.Wuv. Edited by Johannes Wiltschko.
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    A New Model of Business.Eugene Schlossberger - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (4):459-474.
    The paper suggests replacing the shareholder/stakeholder distinction with a “Dual-Investor” model of business: stockowners provide the specific capital for business ventures, while society provides the “opportunity capital.” Thus society is an investor in every business venture. Dual-Investor theory provides a response (based purely on the ethics of investment) to Milton Friedman’s arguments that executives should maximize profit by any legal means, avoids recent criticisms by Kenneth Goodpaster and Thomas McMahon, and suggests that the dichotomy between private and public ownership overlooks (...)
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  23. (2 other versions)Remarks on the mind-body question.Eugene P. Wigner - 1961 - In I. J. Good (ed.), The Scientist Speculates. Heineman.
  24. Akratic Action under the Guise of the Good.Eugene Chislenko - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (5):606-621.
    Many philosophers have thought that human beings do or pursue only what we see as good. These “guise-of-the-good” views face powerful challenges and counterexamples, such as akratic action, in which we do what we ourselves believe we ought not do. I propose a new way for guise-of-the-good views to address this central counterexample by appealing to conflicting beliefs. I then answer concerns that this appeal is insufficiently explanatory, attributes too much conflict, leaves out an essential asymmetry in action against one’s (...)
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    For the Sake of Argument: Practical Reasoning, Character, and the Ethics of Belief.Eugene Garver - 2004 - University of Chicago Press.
    What role should it play? And are claims to rationality liberating or oppressive? For the Sake of Argument addresses questions such as these to consider the relationship between thought and character.
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    Evolutionary forces and the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium.Eugene Earnshaw - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (3):423-437.
    The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium has been argued by Sober, Stephens and others to represent the zero-force state for evolutionary biology understood as a theory of forces. I investigate what it means for a model to involve forces, developing an explicit account by defining what the zero-force state is in a general theoretical context. I use this account to show that Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium is not the zero-force state in biology even in the contexts in which it applies, and argue based on this (...)
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  27. Bereft of Reason: On the Decline of Social Thought and Prospects for its Renewal.Eugene Halton - 1995 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this radical critique of contemporary social theory, Eugene Halton argues that both modernism and postmodernism are damaged philosophies whose acceptance of the myths of the mind/body dichotomy make them incapable of solving our social dilemmas. Claiming that human beings should be understood as far more than simply a form of knowledge, social construction, or contingent difference, Halton argues that contemporary thought has lost touch with the spontaneous passions—or enchantment—of life. Exploring neglected works in twentieth century social thought and (...)
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  28. Halton’s Original Theory of the Extended Self Versus Russell Belk’s Use of It.Eugene Halton - manuscript
    Notes on and excerpted quotations from Eugene Halton’s theory of the self (and mind) as continuous with and involved in its objective surroundings as extensions of the self. These notes provide evidence for Halton’s multiple works as the earlier basis for what Russell Belk later called "the extended self" in 1988, for which he got credit while Halton’s original ideas were marginalized or excluded. In addition, Halton also developed some of these ideas as "critical animism," (see text) a predecessor (...)
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  29. How to Teach Modern Philosophy.Eugene Marshall - 2014 - Teaching Philosophy 37 (1):73-90.
    This essay presents the challenges facing those preparing to teach the history of modern philosophy and proposes some solutions. I first discuss the goals for such a course, as well as the particular methodological challenges of teaching a history of modern philosophy course. Next a standard set of thinkers, readings, and themes is presented, followed by some alternatives. I then argue that one ought to diversify one’s syllabus beyond the canoni­cal set of six or seven white men. As a first (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Pure experience: The response to William James.Eugene Taylor & Robert H. Wozniak - 1996 - In Eugene Taylor & Robert H. Wozniak (eds.), Pure experience: The response to William James. Bristol: Thoemmes. pp. 338-341.
    The radical empiricism of William James was first formally presented in his seminal papers of 1904, 'Does Consciousness Exist?' and 'A World of Pure Experience'. In James's view, pure experience was to serve as the source for psychology's primary data and radical empiricism was to launch an effective critique of experimentalism in psychology, a critique from which the problem of experimentalism within science could be addressed more broadly. This collection of papers presents James's formal statements on radical empiricism and a (...)
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    Worldview and Mind: Religious Thought and Psychological Development.Eugene Webb - 2009 - University of Missouri.
    When worldviews clash, the world reverberates. Now a distinguished scholar who has written widely on thinkers ranging from Samuel Beckett to Eric Voegelin inquires into the sources of religious conflict—and into ways of being religious that might diminish that conflict. _Worldview and Mind_ covers a wide range of thinkers and movements to explore the relation between religion and modernity in all its complexity. Eugene Webb invokes a number of topical issues, including religious terrorism, as he unfolds the phenomenon of (...)
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  32. A simple solution to the liar.Eugene Mills - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 89 (2-3):197-212.
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    Faith and Creativity: Essays in Honor of Eugene H. Peters.Eugene H. Peters, George Nordgulen & George W. Shields - 1987 - Chalice Press.
    This collection of previously unpublished essays is a celebration of the life and thought of a beloved professor who died of cancer in 1983. (pb).
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  34. Cosmic Pessimism.Eugene Thacker - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):66-75.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 66–75 ~*~ We’re Doomed. Pessimism is the night-side of thought, a melodrama of the futility of the brain, a poetry written in the graveyard of philosophy. Pessimism is a lyrical failure of philosophical thinking, each attempt at clear and coherent thought, sullen and submerged in the hidden joy of its own futility. The closest pessimism comes to philosophical argument is the droll and laconic “We’ll never make it,” or simply: “We’re doomed.” Every effort doomed to failure, every (...)
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    William James on a phenomenological psychology of immediate experience: The true foundation for a science of consciousness?Eugene Taylor - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (3):119-130.
    Throughout his career, William James defended personal consciousness. In his Principles of Psychology (1890), he declared that psychology is the scientific study of states of consciousness as such and that he intended to presume from the outset that the thinker was the thought. But while writing it, he had been investigating a dynamic psychology of the subconscious, which found a major place in his Gifford Lectures, published as The Varieties of Religious Experience in 1902. This was the clearest statement James (...)
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    Can virtue be bought?Eugene Garver - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (4):353-382.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Can Virtue Be Bought?Eugene Garver1. The problem: Epistemic elitism or cognitive dominanceDemocracy and rationality can be enemies. Superior intelligence and information can silence people, and the voices of reason can be drowned out by anti-intellectual populism. Given the dearth of both democracy and rationality in contemporary American politics, I hope that each can be fortified by association with the other, but I don't think that mutual reinforcement is (...)
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    The philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach.Eugene Kamenka - 1970 - London,: Routledge & K. Paul..
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    Plato’s Crito On the Nature of Persuasion and Obedience.Eugene Garver - 2012 - Polis 29 (1):1-20.
    The Crito dramatizes the impossibility, and the indispensability, of persuasion sby locating it between two extremes, Socrates and the Laws, the truths of philosophy and the force of politics. The question is whether those two limits are themselves inside or outside rhetoric. Can philosophy persuade, ormust it always be an alternative sto persuasion? Socrates insists on ignoring the opinion, and the power, of the many, and so the Laws have to show themselves as different from the opinion of the many (...)
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    Forerunners of Darwin: 1745-1859.Eugene C. Holmes - 1960 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 21 (3):421-421.
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  40. Applying the principles of gestalt theory to teaching ethics.Eugene H. Hunt & Ronald K. Bullis - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (5):341 - 347.
    Teaching ethics poses a dilemma for professors of business. First, they have little or no formal training in ethics. Second, they have established ethical values that they may not want to impose upon their students. What is needed is a well-recognized, yet non-sectarian model to facilitate the clarification of ethical questions. Gestalt theory offers such a framework. Four Gestalt principles facilitate ethical clarification and another four Gestalt principles anesthetize ethical clarification. This article examines each principle, illustrates that principle through current (...)
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  41. A Phenomenal Defense of Reflective Equilibrium.Weston Mudge Ellis & Justin McBrayer - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Research 43:1-12.
    The method of reflective equilibrium starts with a set of initial judgments about some subject matter and refines that set to arrive at an improved philosophical worldview. However, the method faces two, trenchant objections. The Garbage-In, Garbage-Out Objection argues that reflective equilibrium fails because it has no principled reason to rely on some inputs to the method rather than others and putting garbage-in assures you of getting garbage-out. The Circularity Objection argues that reflective equilibrium fails because it has no principled, (...)
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  42. Interactionism and overdetermination.Eugene O. Mills - 1996 - American Philosophical Quarterly 33 (1):105-115.
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  43. Suffering and Transcendence.Eugene Thomas Long - 2006 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60 (1-3):139-148.
    This essay explores the experience of suffering in order to see to what extent it can be understood within the context of the human condition without diverting the reality of suffering or denying the meaning of human existence and divine reality. Particular attention is given to describing and interpreting what I call the transcendent dimensions of suffering with the intent of showing that in the experience of suffereing persons come up against the limits of what can be accounted for in (...)
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  44. Exploring Jewish Ethics.Eugene B. Borowitz, David Novak, Byron L. Sherwin & Walter S. Wurzburger - 1997 - Journal of Religious Ethics 25 (1):183-210.
    This essay presents and analyzes the recent work of four prominent contemporary Jewish ethicists: Eugene Borowitz, David Novak, Byron Sherwin, and Walter Wurzburger. These authors are united in their affirmation of covenant as the central category of Jewish moral obligation and their concern to construct a Jewish ethic out of the classical sources of Judaism. Yet, as an individual analysis of their books will show, they adopt markedly different views of the authority of traditional Jewish law , the respective (...)
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    Beyond Visual and Aural Criteria: The Importance of Flavor in Chinese Literary Criticism.Eugene Eoyang - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 6 (1):99-106.
    "The essence of literature may be compared to the various plants and trees," Liu Hseih writes, "alike in the fact that they are rooted in the soil, yet different in their flavor and their fragrance, their exposure to the sun."1 The character of each work is manifest in its unique savor and in its scent. In other works, the uniqueness of a work can be savored: texts may echo other works, but the personality of any work is instantaneously verified by (...)
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    Self, God, and immortality: a Jamesian investigation.Eugene Fontinell - 1986 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Can we who have been touched by the scientific, intellectual, and experimental revolutions of modern and contemporary times still believe with and degree of coherence and consistency that we as individual persons are immortal. Indeed, is there even good cause to hope that we are? In examining the present relationship of reason to faith, can we find justifying reasons for faith? These are the central questions in Self, God, and Immortality, a compelling exercise in philosophical theology. Drawing upon the works (...)
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  47. The Great Brain Suck: And Other American Epiphanies.Eugene Halton - 2008 - Chicago, IL, USA: University of Chicago Press.
    “Witty, acerbic, and brilliant. Halton takes on truly basic philosophical issues, but unlike the great majority of cultural critics today, he is philosophically prepared and highly competent to do so. Halton’s extraordinary work is nearly unique among current writers in its relevance, incisiveness, and philosophical power.” (Bruce Wilshire, Rutgers University) “The Great Brain Suck is a wholly original book that draws on Eugene Halton’s careful empirical and conceptual work to offer critical insights into American life and scholarship. As he (...)
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    The future of environmental philosophy.Eugene C. Hargrove - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (2):130-131.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Future of Environmental PhilosophyEugene Hargrove (bio)In my 1989 book Foundations of Environmental Ethics, I predicted that environmental philosophy would eventually come to an end because it would be adequately taken care of in mainstream philosophy. That is, it would become part of philosophy of science, ethics, aesthetics, social, and political philosophy, everything except perhaps logic, which could still use it as examples.Whether there will still be a need (...)
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  49. Philosophical Delusion and its Therapy: Outline of a Philosophical Revolution.Eugen Fischer - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    _Philosophical Delusion and its Therapy_ provides new foundations and methods for the revolutionary project of philosophical therapy pioneered by Ludwig Wittgenstein. The book vindicates this currently much-discussed project by reconstructing the genesis of important philosophical problems: With the help of concepts adapted from cognitive linguistics and cognitive psychology, the book analyses how philosophical reflection is shaped by pictures and metaphors we are not aware of employing and are prone to misapply. Through innovative case-studies on the genesis of classical problems about (...)
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    Optimizing Ethics Services and Education in a Teaching Hospital: Rounds Versus Consultation.Eugene V. Boisaubin & Michele A. Carter - 1999 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 10 (4):294-299.
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